Thursday, 13 December 2007

National Anthem

National Anthem

Blessed be the sacred Land
Happy be the bounteous realm
Symbol of high resolve
Land of Pakistan
Blessed be thou citadel of faith

The order of this sacred land
Is the might of the brotherhood of the People
May the nation, the country, and the state
Shine in glory everlasting
Blessed be the goal of our ambition

This Flag of the Crescent and Star
Leads the way to progress and perfection

Interpreter of our past, glory of our present
Inspiration of our future
Symbol of Almighty's protection

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Against Emergency In Pakistan

We, the people and the friends of Pakistan, denounce and strongly protest against the curtailment of fundamental rights, the curbs on electronic and print media, attacks on independence of Judiciary, suspension of Constitution of 1973, arrests of judges, lawyers, human right activist and teachers and Martial Law which has been imposed by General Musharraf.

Pakistan was formed as a democratic state where the rule of law will reign supreme. The people of Pakistan have given great sacrifices to gain these rights of living with freedom. These right of free speech, ability to chose the government and access to fair judiciary cannot be taken away from the people at the disguise of any threat.


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