It happened with me that I had to drop my uncle to the airport on 12th morning as his flight was at 5:45am for UAE and then connecting flights to HK so i had no option but to drop him.I checked TV from 12 am which said sharah-e-faisal the main road to the airport is blocked and i physically saw it as well before comming home at night of 11th may, later at 1 am 12th May i heard the IG traffic karachi live on a TV channel saying that sharah-e-faisal is blocked due to rally of MQM and on the instruction of MQM, and will be opened once we get the instructions to open from MQM. He was right because MQM is the government of Sindh and therefore he had to obey them..........so after 1:00am IG traffic said alternate routes to airport from ghulistan e johar is opened to go to the airport so i left for the airport to use that way.When i reached the spot after going through all broken roads and big holes dug up by MQM govt all around the city probably to hide their cheatings i finally found MQM activists standing at that route blocking the road and saying its a rally ahead and this way is blocked since long so I thought may be IG was not in his sences while he said about this route as it was too late on a friday night.Anyway I then carried on and tried through Malir cantt safora goth gate and after requesting them and showing them the tickets they allowed us to go from inside to the other door behind airport (Thanks to them) i crossed malir cantt and reached the airport side of malircantt and after comming out when i reached model colony link to airport it was blocked by about 10 empty busses with mqm flags parked in middle of the road and few MQM guys lying down on the road eating and spitting pans :( no police no army its was a party allowed to them by their top bhai's.After taking my mamoo on the feet to the airport i came back and took my car and again requested malir cantt people to allow me to go back and thanks to them they allowed me to do so and finally i reached back home at 5:30am..............Its seems too small but if u imagine what people were going through just because of this small blockage of bhai's u would really feel what it was......old ladies walking to the airport and comming back and lot of flights cancelled just because bhai decided not to allow chief justice in the city of karachi for his speech to the lawyers :( because bhai is bhai...........................well after reaching back at 5:30am i slept for a while and then left for my office at 10:30am 12 may crosing few busses with broken glasses and punctured tyres i finally reached my office in clifton from my home which is at sharah-e-faisal near nursery..........Well then the whole day i was stuck in my office as sharah-e-faisal was a field of war and i was watching through tv and getting scared about my family back home, I called 15 the police helpling and asked them for help at my home and they said we will try, I called up president house islamabad and asked for Mr Musharraf the army president of pakistan but they said he is in a meeting :( well firing was going on and bodies were lying on the roads of karachi and there was no police and no law enforcement agencies because they were instructed not to come out until bhai tells them to do so...........................Tv station was attacked, People were killed, Petrol pumps were lighted, etc etc, people were just firing straight on innocent people just because they wanted to tell karachiites that without bhai's approval no one can come here and no one can hold a rally....................................Finally I returned back home after 12AM on 13th May and then finally on 13th morning the MQM sindh Governer Mr Ishrat ul Ibad instructed the rangers to enforce law and order in the city and shoot at sight but the question is was mr Ishrat drunk the day on 12th May when media was showing everything live ? and rangers and army was inside the city resting in their barracks as they were waiting for the instructions of Mr Governer..........................................Its just because bhai wanted to create a picture in everyone's heart about him and he wanted every kid to know that bhai is the king and he wanted every kid to think that becomming bhai is the best...................................Sitting in london Mr Altaf hussain bhai was sucessful in doing that and today everyone has a scary picture and is afraid of what bhai says :(Today MQM blames others just to clerify themselfes by showing different pictures of different party activists with different party flags BUT have they forgotton who's Government was there on 12th May in karachi shidh? have they forgotten who declared rally against a decided function of chief justice of pakistan ? all answers are MQM..........................................Government of pakistan has failed to protect karachi the business pulse of pakistan, not only on 12th May but karachi is the most unsafe city of pakistan.......All killings, all snatching, major robbery and major thefts are here............................where is the government and where is law enforcement agencies they all are currupt because they all come under currupt governments :( May God Save Us.....Amen......Please Pray for us )